Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Eat my bullet and seekh angrezi

Not very long before, I had written a post titled Lost in Translation and Shripad had given a very nice comment.

And today I saw here, that Sholay will be taught in CBSE schools. They say, "the movie will be part of a course teaching Std 5 students (of the CBSE board) to communicate well in English."!

The aim of this post is not to conclude anything, but laugh, if you can.


At Wed May 03, 01:34:00 AM 2006, Blogger Nikhil Joshi said...

ha ha ha
he he he
hi hi hi
ho ho ho
hu hu hu



haaash....bahut laugha aaj...nahu laughaa

At Sun May 07, 08:51:00 PM 2006, Blogger Basudeb Dasgupta said...

@both amit and chaapu

Kya fraud hai...

At Tue May 09, 04:00:00 AM 2006, Blogger Nikhil Joshi said...


sahi kahan....but, that's the way to convey my feelings :DD


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